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A lovely mornings metal detecting

A lovely mornings metal detecting

Good to get out again with Wolds Detecting and a great bunch of friends. The field we were on was steeped in history and the opportunity for some lovely finds was high. I managed to find quite a few buttons including a WW2 button from a German uniform (there was an old prisoner of war camp on the field). Best finds were a couple of Livery buttons that I am still attempting to identify – photos below 🙂

Feedback from Ashington Camera Club

Feedback from Ashington Camera Club

I had the greatest pleasure in delivering my Astronomy talk and Ascension island talk to Ashington Photography Club a few night ago. Today, I received some lovely feedback from the club chairman. It is always great to share a subject you are passionate about by means of a presentation and hearing feedback like this just makes it all so worthwhile. Dear Steve, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you for…

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Rosette Nebula taken on my smart telescope

Rosette Nebula taken on my smart telescope

The Rosette Nebula together with the open cluster (NGC2244) is in the constellation of Monoceros. The emission nebula is approximately 5,200 light years away. Photograph was taken just now using a smart telescope. The Vaonis Vespera II using the Singularity app running on the pc (using an Android emulator).

Metal Detecting finds for 2024

Metal Detecting finds for 2024

It has been an incredible journey so far in this new hobby of metal detecting. I’ve been fortunate to meet some fabulous people, supported a local charity (Yorkshire Air Ambulance) and have been incredibly lucky with some of the finds discovered. Here is a photo of a few treasures unearthed …